Residential Sprinkler System Incentive for Hodgkins

HODGKINS, IL (August 14, 2019) – Establishing an unqualified commitment to public safety, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hodgkins, IL unanimously approved an update of the Village code to include a financial incentive for installing home fire sprinklers in new construction and retrofitting existing one- and two-family homes.

Effective immediately, the Village will provide 50% of the installation cost when the system is approved. The covered criteria include combined water service and water main tap fees (if any), piping and valves, installation, and testing fees. It is applicable to structures and mobile homes and the Village has set no limit for its 50% cost share. Further, the Village will pay 100% of the cost of increasing the water line size on a newly constructed home (if needed by the plumbing code) for future sprinklers if the owner isn’t ready to install sprinklers.

Check out the full article here.